Do you fall asleep somewhere between the kitchen and the bedroom because you are so exhausted from juggling all of your responsibilities?

Having a system makes it easy (yes, really!) for getting through this pile, that project, those to-dos.

Many people feel like they should be able to do it themselves, then feel guilty and overwhelmed when they can’t.

Many busy people - just like you - have found relief from hiring a professional organizer when they don’t know how or where to begin.

The Secret: Develop a plan, create a system, and put one foot in front of the other.

Motivation, Ideas, Accountability are all pieces to the project puzzle.

  • Motivation - is important to keep you going once you’ve started.
  • Ideas – get creative ideas and a fresh perspective
  • Accountability – statistics show that we have a greater chance of achieving our goal once we’ve stated it to someone else.

How would you like to greatly increase your chances of success?

I’ve helped 100’s of people and I can help you too. Together, we can develop a plan. I’ll walk by your side as you take baby steps. I’ll guide you along the way, helping you learn new skills and develop systems that make positive transformations in your life.

I’ll provide the motivation give you ideas and provide accountability so you can make the changes you deserve.

Raising 5 Kids on Your Own – It’ll either make you organized or destroy you!

Let me share my experience and my discoveries with you. Let me walk by your side, hold your hand, and be your partner. I want you to benefit from my support as you manage your time, space, things, and relationships. I will help you organize your life, your home and your office and set up systems that will help you survive, No… Thrive!

I want you to benefit from my support.

I’m the Gal for You!

I understand the value of creating simple systems to keep household, business, life, and family running smoothly.

Take the First Step Today. Sign up for your copy of the Free E-Book above!

Get Started Today

We'll also set up an initial consultation. Your consultation may include a written plan of action for your project. Gift certificates are also available.

The “Whys” of Clutter

So, you know your life is full of clutter — things you don’t need, things you don’t necessarily want, and way more than you’ll actually use. But where the heck did all this stuff come from? It might be hard…

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Kathy's suggestions and ideas have all been logical and tailored to our family. She gets me motivated to work in spurts. When the big tasks slow me down, I call her back to get me on track again!

Mary, Roseville

Kathy helped us organize the storage unit in our apartment from an over-stuffed cavern where we would lose things for months, to a well-run system where everything is easy to find and easy to get to.

Jade and Becky, Little Canada

The files are under control and the piles and boxes are gone. You helped us organize our central filing system. We can now access important information quickly and easily!

Christine, Minneapolis

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